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Travelling - All this time..

People often ask me why I ride motorcycle? My friends and family consider it to be a 'Dangerous' thing! Most of the people will answer this by saying that It empowers you to be a part of a CAMARADERIE like nothing else or it's resembles FREEDOM on 2 wheels. I believe it is a little more than that. For me it was probably 2 things... My love of Motorcycles and the Escape and Adventure part. My habit of exploring different places (if its's not a scenic view, you won't find me there 😉).

Beyond all this, I found a greater connection to everything else around me. The connection can be extremely difficult to articulate yet meaningful in a way that keeps me going. On a motorcycle I know I’m alive. When I ride, even the familiar seems strange and glorious. The air has weight and substance as I push through it and its touch is as intimate as water to a swimmer. I feel the cool wells of air that pool under trees and the warm spokes of sun that fall through them.

How it started for me

Rolling back time to March of 2018, I was a recent college graduate. 6 months into my first job and I told my mom that I am going all in to get myself a motorcycle. Being a mother, that too an Indian Mom, she panicked and said "No. Never. Not in USA as the highways are nowhere near safe for Motorcycles". But, deep down she knew that would not stop me as she knew I had keen interest in bikes and cars and the bike that I was going for was the same one that I had dreamed about since I was probably 8 or 9 years old... HD Iron 883! (I know ..I know ..883 seriously?? I don't know why, but I love my 883).

Anyways, I ended my getting the motorcycle endorsement on my license and soon after bought my first bike. I started riding it to my office which was about 15mins from my place to get comfortable with it and once I had the handle on it, it was time to start exploring places. I would end up spending hours to find different places and route that I could travel during the weekend.

Moving Forward..

They say "Birds of the same feather flock together". Well, so do the motorcyclists. Eventually, I found a group of people living close by who were doing the same. We started of with 4 people in 2019 and grew to 20+ in 2020. Even Covid could not stop us from riding (though we were cautious about it all the way). We ended up in multiple places including trips to PA, CT, NY upstate getting hold of amazing views along the way.

What's Next?

Hibernating is the biggest topic at the moment and that's exactly what we are doing in this chilling winter! Waiting for the summer to bring back my Phoenix to life. But, soon enough I will be back on those roads with my faithful group and discovering many new places in 2021.

With Spring on the horizon, I will be riding again to different places, meeting new people and telling them why I ride. Transportation is only a secondary function of my bike. A motorcycle is a joy machine. It’s a machine of wonders, a metal bird, a motorized prosthetic. It’s light and dark and shiny and dirty and warm and cold lapping over each other. It’s a conduit of grace, it’s a catalyst for bonding the gritty and the holy.

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