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No More Excuses!

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

Many of my friends keep asking me, "Oh, you really ride! Lucky you. Enjoy" I ask another question back to them, "What is stopping you to enjoy?" And then comes the series of excuses, work, family, kids, social obligations. And, you will find many blaming their wife for not riding. Really?? I was surprised, one was blaming his boss and another his apartment community.

To me, we should ask just one question to ourselves, "Who (not What) matters most to you?" If answer does not come as "I, myself", you are really not ready for ride. And, if it matters to you and you think it is really right, there is no reason you should not do it.

Life is too short, live it the way you want, not the others want you to live. People concerns for you may be genuine out of affection but that doesn't mean people who ride are bunch of fools. Emotions should never drive your decisions.

The kind of freedom we get while riding motorcycle, you can never expect riding four wheelers. As saying goes, 'Your body rides Four wheels, but your Soul rides Two Wheels" and you ask any motorcycle riders, they will say the same thing.

If breeze of wind does not touches your face, if smell of earth does not get into nose, and if the thousands different types of sounds do not get into ears, you are really not on the road and riding. You can experience these only when you ride motorcycle that gives you the sense of being Free and being close to the nature.

So go ahead, stop thinking for others will think or do. Do what you want to do! Getup and look around the local motorcycle dealers near you and get your first bike. You have all

rights to live free.

Do not forget to take the Initial Motorcycle Training sessions if there is a long gap in your ride. Getting Motorcycle Training never harms even of you are experienced rides. Also, do not forget to join your local Motorcycle Rider's Club!

Remember, Freedom is not given, but taken. Time to make progress not excuses! Enjoy your first Ride!!

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